At Flair Food Consulting we will tailor our services to meet your specific technical and ethical business requirements.
With significant industry experience across multiple product sectors in both manufacturing and retail environments, and as approved IFST Auditor and Mentors, we specialise in bespoke food and beverage safety solutions, technical and ethical consultancy.
Offering tailor-made supplier approval programmes, Quality Management systems, ethical compliance and HACCP plans, developed specifically for your business, we can adapt as you grow and will strive to support in any way that we can.
Areas of expertise include:
Development and implementation of bespoke Quality Management Systems
HACCP plan development, verification and validation
Technical gap analysis and work-flow action plans, delivered against required industry and customer standards
Carbon footprint assessment and verification
Specification development and artwork approval
Supplier approval and supply chain management
Interim technical management, food safety and legality consultancy
Ethical compliance
Tailored training and mentoring, specific to your company requirements
Internal auditing
SALSA (Safe & Local Supplier Approval), ISO and BRCGG mentoring and coaching
Retail, customer and EHO support
Complaint management and brand protection
New product development, critical path and project management, from concept to launch
Implementation of controls and systems to deliver technical due-dilligence to your food business

By adapting our services to ensure we deliver all required aspects for our clients, we pride ourselves on ensuring you are fully equipped with the tools, knowledge and resources to form a solid foundation to grow an ethical and technically robust business.